<bgsound src="http://mediamax.com/fiqah03/Hosted/Wonderful.mp3" loop="infinite"> :: MY LIFE FEELS SO COMPLETE ::

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Blame it on my 1st born, Syaf!

Test! Test! testing.... 1...2..3...

Eh Hi 2019. Yea my last log in was 2018, last year only wat....

But I'm back with an additional addition to the family.

Let's Welcome Mohd Ariel Syafiq who is now 15months old ... hehehe....

Main reason, why I back to Blogspot, blame it out to my 1st born who is now a big teenager, she is 16 now.

She founded my vintage blogspot and sent me a whatsapp of these .... sorry guys, pls excuse my language with her but she noes her mum is violent at time, she noe her mum is sporting always right, Syaf.
Unsure how did she jump into my blogspot and somehow it triggered me to try and log in and YESSA! Successful!

Next Q, when U think my next log in be? LOLs! Meantime have a good weekend and be good, be nice, take care..chiaoooo
