<bgsound src="http://mediamax.com/fiqah03/Hosted/Wonderful.mp3" loop="infinite"> :: MY LIFE FEELS SO COMPLETE ::

Monday, March 08, 2010

I've got an hour to blog ....

GOSH !! It's Mar 2010. So much thing happening in Mar2010 for me and family.

Feb2010, I know I went missing but ..... hhmm nothing much really happened. Just a family celebration in Swensen for my 7yrs old doter, Nurul Syafiqah.

As you could see from my header, I've only an hr to blog before I need to leave to fetch my doter from school. I am on leave today (monday). Lil Ariel Syakir had a fever since last wed, he was shivering and weak thruout. It is such a pain for me to see him as such because he is a super hyper active son, we could only find peace when he is asleep (tat is wen he recharged) hahaha ..... But today, he is much better alhamdulillah

Hmmm what should I blog about Mar2010.... yes!! We are going for a trip. Short and simple trip to Hong Kong end Mar2010. I'm bringing mum along. I know she is dying to travel and take plane since dad passed away. Seriously I really wish Dad is still around and following me as well. But I know dad is everywhere I go, I know he is always with me, his precious daughter.

Mar2010, is also the month which I will turn a year older. I don't really have a wish because my daily prayers, I always make my best doa's for my family, my love ones, never failed that.

I doubt so, hubby will read my blog, but in anycase my life is taken by ALLAH, this blog witnesses my love for him. On my birthday, I won't ask for treats neither any presents, this is sincere what I ask for if everlasting love which you have never failed to give me all these years. Thanks for being there for me always! Thanks for being a good husband and good daddy to our kids! May our love and happiness and prosperity be continue forever and ever. amin.

Ok enuf said before pple start to throw out *puke* hahahahhahaa .... till i blog again when I return from my short trip. Pray for us to have a smooth and safe journey till we return.

Love Always,




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